Nevai, Nondor - The Wooden Machine Music / 2001

"Bizarre modern compositions for player piano by the notorious cult musician Nondor Nevai! An overload of notes cascading and careening in and out of fields of total madness! An archival release of works for player piano by longtime musical saboteur Nondor Nevai. Best known for his work with To Live and Shave in L.A. (1 and 2), the insane Restaurants' "The A Capella Cantata" CD and his deranged strings-and-drums trio _ (that's pronouced "underscore", of course) Nevai reveals shrewd compositional logic on these speedy, galvanized tracks of player piano inhumanity! Fans of Conlon Nancarrow might find this to be a missing link . . . a truly strange and complex transmission from this seminal rock 'n' roll nutcase."
  • Labelug/Explode
Your Price $15.00

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