Arca de Valjos - Las Tribulaciones de Valjos CD

SKU Azafran KR006
RAÚL VALVERDE: All instruments
HÉCTOR SILVA DOMÍNGUEZ: Keyboards (4, 8 & 9)

“El Arca de Valjós is the project of the Mexican composer Raúl Valverde. “Las Tribulaciones de Valjós” is a concept album basen on Michel Focault’s Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la Folie à l'âge Classique (translated in English as “Madness and Civilization/ History of Madness”) and his vision of the Ship of Fools tradition in Sixteenth-Century England; vivid descriptions of the exclusion and confinement of lepers.
Contermporary chamber music built around strings, percussions, electronics and unrecognizable whispering voices. Influenced by the most obscure Art Zoyd, L’Ensemble Rayé, Julverne and the orchestral works by Arturo Meza.”
  • LabelKathmandu
Your Price $15.00

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