Derome, Jean - Plates-Formes et Traquenards

One of my very favorite Ambiances Magnetiques groups is this ongoing project by Jean Derome. This has a crack band and is another winner from les Dangereux Zhoms.
Jean Derome : flûtes et saxophones
Tom Walsh : trombone
Guillaume Dostaler : piano
Pierre Cartier : basse électrique
Pierre Tanguay : batterie
Joane Hétu : voix
Lori Freedman : clarinettes
Gordon Allen : trompette
Nadia Francavilla : violon
Jean René : violon alto
Bernard Falaise : guitare électrique
Martin Tétreault : tourne-disques

"... What comes through in both “Plates-formes” and “Traque-nards” is a strong sense of overarching form and a keen ear for lyrical melodies. Themes are woven together with shrewd arrangements that make the most of the ensemble. Reeds, brass, and strings play off of each other; lilting lines are stated by one instrument and shadowed by others; Hétu’s percussive vocalizations and Tétreault’s scratches, pops, and samples are interjected, throwing the arc of the music in to unexpected detours. One moment, the ensemble floats along on an impressionistic riff; the next, the mood is fractured with jagged shards of noise. They can swing with abandon or rock out with caterwauling energy. All of this is done with a sense of playfulness rather than with distanced irony. While there are plenty of solo spots, to call out individual voices is beside the point as each member is so fully integrated into Derome’s arrangements..."-Michael Rosenstein, March 2009

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