Motzer, Tim/Markus Reuter - Descending

SKU 1K 018
Tim Motzer - guitars, electronics
Markus Reuter - 8 string touch guitar, electronics
B.J. Cole - 12 string pedal steel
Theo Travis - flutes
Pat Mastelotto - buttons
Doug Hirlinger - cymbals and metals

"Joined by Theo Travis (flute), BJ Cole (pedal-steel), Pat Mastelotto (electronics percussion), and Doug Hirlinger (cymbals) at various points, guitarist Motzer and touch-guitarist Reuter emanate interpenetrating layers of electronic and electro-acoustic ambiences ranging from enigmatic polytonal clusters to pensive atmospherics to coruscating deep-space pulsations- all masterfully transmuted into impressionistic mixes by Motzer."-Guitar Player Magazine

"Descending is all about atmosphere and drift, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring. Guitarist Tim Motzer and touch guitarist Markus Reuter both have plenty of experience with ambient six-string sound, giving their pieces more backbone than most sonic clouds – the quieter work of David Torn is a touchstone. “Ritual Observance,” “Sound of the Sun” and the long, flowing “Emanuella” can hang in the air like aural mist if that’s what you prefer, but give them closer attention and the haunting textures will give back more than they ask for."-Michael Toland/The Big Takeover
  • Label1K
Your Price $14.00

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