Based in California, the Rabbinical School Dropouts is about as crazy as a group of kooks as one could wish for. Sun Ra, the Hampton Grease Band, Frank Zappa and the Klezmatics all rolled into one, the music of the Three Freidmann Brothers is fresh and...

“Rabbit Rabbit Radio is the song-spinning duo of Carla Kihlstedt and Matthias Bossi. Collectively, they are founding members of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Tin Hat, 2 Foot Yard, Causing a Tiger, The Book of Knots, and Fred Frith's Cosa Brava.
Drawing on their love of both art & folk song, industrial & improvised music and heart-wrenching balladry, their songs are raw, beautiful, sparse and rich. Originally these songs came out on the duo's bandcamp page. Subscribers got new songs as soon as they...

“Rabbit Rabbit Radio is the song-spinning duo of Carla Kihlstedt and Matthias Bossi. Collectively, they are founding members of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Tin Hat, 2 Foot Yard, Causing a Tiger, The Book of Knots, and Fred Frith's Cosa Brava.
Drawing on their love of both art & folk song, industrial & improvised music and heart-wrenching balladry, their songs are raw, beautiful, sparse and rich.
Originally these songs came out on the duo's bandcamp page. Subscribers got new songs as soon as they.

"What?? is a focused and grounding work produced by Swedish composer Folke Rabe in 1967. From his interest in sound phenomena and harmonics Rabe was able to make one of the most deep, moving pieces of sustained sound generated in this formative era of minimalist electronic composition. Initially reissued on Dexter's Cigar in 1997 and now available on Important with expanded packaging including archival materials furnished by the composer. Amplified infinity." "My interest in the makeup of various...

"Another awesome album from Italy, but thankfully one that sports a slightly left field, distinctive approach. Unfortunately slightly underrated, Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno incorporate a number of disparate elements into their music. The album goes...

Here is a young trio of musicians from the Kansai area on soprano sax, bass and piano who have created a remarkably original world of sound. Although one can hear occasional influences from Steve Lacy and the Jimmy Giuffre Three, this music is uniquely...

Found a few of these hiding in a warehouse. Long out of print. Last time ever on this wonderful release from the wonderful, now gone, Reel Recordings label.
Last time ever on this release from the wonderful, now gone, Reel Recordings label.

Great to finally be able to hear one of the great lost 1970s groups that everyone who follows this sort of thing had heard of (see who is on this below) but that no one had ever actually heard. With any luck, maybe someday I'll get to hear "Dolphin Logic"...

These guys were once namechecked in an interview with Schnellertollermeier about them being one of their biggest influences. Even better, they mostly sound nothing like the Schnellers, except, perhaps, for their concentration on very small elements in the music!

“Vienna has a storied history as a ground-zero for new music. Radian, who call Vienna home, embodies the city’s spirit of innovation. Martin Brandlmayr (drums, electronics), Martin Siewert (guitar, electronics) and John Norman (bass) are...

Thollem McDonas – keyboards
Nels Cline - electric guitars
Michael Wimberly – drums
Recorded by Justin Frye at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY Sept. 13, 2017.

“This album was recorded during Thollem McDonas's 2017 residency at Brooklyn-based multi-discipline mecca Pioneer Works. It's the second by Radical Empathy, which combines three uncategorizable improvisors. Michael Wimberly has been astonishing folks since his days in Charles Gayle bands and Steve Coleman & Five Elements in the...

“Double CD of all five of Elaine Radigue's songs in tribute to the Tibetan saint and poet from the 11th century. Two of the tracks dates from Radigue's first release in 1983, two are previously unreleased and the final 62-minute track was previously issued as a sole CD in 1987. The material is performed by Radigue (synthesizer and recording), Robert Ashley (English voice), and Lama Kunga Rinpoche (Tibetan voice). Radigue was born in France and has studied under Pierre Shaeffer and Pierre Henry; her music...

“11 Dec 80 is a two-CD set containing Eliane Radigue's live performance of Chry-Ptus (1971), her first work for modular synthesizer, and the world premiere of parts one and three of Triptych (1978). Triptych part 2 is also performed. Upon hearing these performances for the first time in many years, Radigue declared them to be the best versions she'd ever heard. Radigue's sublime renderings of these major pieces are full of illusory stasis, slow change, and dense, slow-motion drone that has characterized...

“Eliane Radigue's complete Opus 17 (1970), her finest and final work created using feedback, is contained on this double CD. With Opus 17, Radigue perfected her slow mixing technique with sublime results. Imperceptible transformations envelop the attentive listener who is confronted with an immensely physical experience. Time is suspended in powerfully poetic and artful ways as Radigue masterfully sculpts the physical matter of sound using feedback for the last time. Opus 17 is an absolutely essential...

Transamorem - Transmortem (1973) is for ARP Synthesizer.

"'Transamorem - Transmortem' was premiered on March 9, 1974 at The Kitchen in NYC, where the music programmer at the time was Rhys Chatham - this was right before his guitar phase...

"Includes liner notes & archival photographs. On the suggestion of Robert Ashley, Douglas Dunn commissioned this piece from Eliane Radigue for choreography. Only the first part of Triptych was staged at the premiere at the Dancehall/Theatre of Nancy on...

"Includes liner notes & archival photographs. 1970 was an important year in Eliane Radigue's musical life since it was the year just before she acquired her ARP 2500 synthesizer. Since 1967, she had been using the feedback as a material; feedback from...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

Interestingly enough, this release is a soundtrack to a documentary. There are 4 long-ish tracks (short by their standards, but still) and a bunch of very short tracks. But it still sounds like them!

"Artistic director Chris Zelov was in the...

After much, much too long silent, the stunningly prolific R.M.I. return with another set of wonderment.

"This hour long collage of Radio Massacre International material consists of previously unreleased material from various sessions between 2003-15, and might be seen as their version of `The Faust Tapes' in its construction. Endlessly fascinating, playing as a continuous suite, it is an unpredictable journey through many of the places RMI have found themselves in whilst working and improvising...

Is RMI the most prolific band in the world? They might be. And they shockingly keep releasing great work. In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

"For our headline appearance at the E-Live festival in Eindhoven we planned material designed to reflect every aspect of the band, from more composed material to pure improvisation. This release contains the entire set, and ranges from a...

Last few copies ever!

Radio Massacre International is a British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics) and Gary Houghton (guitar, keyboards). These three musicians have worked together in various...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

"A brand new compilation of recordings made in The Greenhouse Studios , Stockport before the US tour in late 2002. Although you'll see some worryingly short pieces listed be assured that as usual they form a segued suite, although there are some...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat...

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

"This set of six discs – previously collected in a box, but now only available individually - is a collection, arranged more-or-less chronologically, of things that we've never released in any form before.
It consists of recordings made between 1987-2003, using unreleased material to tell an alternative story of the earlier years of the band.
As well as a set of thematically related artworks, each sleeve is fully annotated on the reverse with sleeve notes detailing the origins of each piece"

Mixed & edited from concerts recorded at the Y-Theater, Leicster, September 1, 2007 & at Orion Sound Studios, Baltimore, November 18, 2007
Special Guests:
Martin Archer : Reeds, Wind Synth (Leicester)
Cyndee Lee Rule : Electric Violin (Baltimore)
Premik Russell Tubbs : Reeds, Wind Synth (Baltimore)

Radio Massacre International is a unbelievably prolific British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics, drums), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics, bass) and Gary Houghton

Recorded at The Gatherings, St. Mary's Church, November 17, 2007 (part one)

Radio Massacre International is a unbelievably prolific British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics, drums), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics, bass) and Gary Houghton (guitar, synthesizers). These three musicians have worked together in various configurations since they were 16 year old students in the 70's and formed R.M.I. in 1993.

In addition to their many 'regular' albums, RMI have also....

Recorded at The Gatherings, St. Mary's Church, November 17, 2007 (part two)

Radio Massacre International is a unbelievably prolific British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics, drums), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics, bass) and Gary Houghton (guitar, synthesizers). These three musicians have worked together in various configurations since they were 16 year old students in the 70's and formed R.M.I. in 1993.

In addition to their many 'regular' albums, RMI have also....

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

Recorded at The Cherubini Center, Burlington, NJ 16th April 2010 for the Gagliarchives Radioshow.

Is RMI the most prolific band in the world? They might be. And they keep releasing great work. In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

Recorded at The Gatherings, St Mary's Church, Philadelphia, PA 18th April 2010.

“In 2011 Radio Massacre International made their first appearance at St Clements church in Chorlton, Manchester. The gig has been documented on a [long out of print] DVD called M21 which featured highlights of the music played that night.
Many people have named this show as possibly their favourite RMI concert performance, and for a while we have thought about releasing it in full together [the DVD of the concert was abbreviated] with some remarkable and unheard recordings made during the preparation..

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packaging.

"If you're at all familiar with our output, you'll have noticed that we sometimes release companion sets shortly after a title is published. Well,here's another one. Sessions began in late 2005 for what became Rain Falls In Grey Far away, and....

Radio Massacre International is a British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics, drums), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics, bass) and Gary Houghton (guitar, synthesizers). These three musicians have worked together in various...

In addition to their many albums, RMI have also released a number of very limited edition CDRs. The musical and sound quality of these releases is excellent; as good as their regular releases, but do remember that these are CDRs in simple, flat packagi...

Recorded at The Greenhouse, Stockport, December, 2011.

Radio Massacre International is a unbelievably prolific British trio of Steve Dinsdale (keyboards, electronics, drums), Duncan Goddard (keyboards, electronics, bass) and Gary Houghton (guitar, synthesizers). These three musicians have worked together in various configurations since they were 16 year old students in the 70's and formed R.M.I. in 1993.

In addition to their many 'regular' albums, RMI have also released a number of very...

“In 2011 Radio Massacre International made their first appearance at St Clements church in Chorlton, Manchester. The gig has been documented on a [long out of print] DVD called M21 which featured highlights of the music played that night.
[editor's note: The gig itself is released on the CD M21. This is the rehearsals for that gig.]
We had tracked down a Rhodes stage piano and were trying this out for the first time. It surpassed all expectations. The stereo cabinet with built in tremolo which...